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Powerful Video Marketing Statistics You Should Know for 2024

There are many reasons to add video to your company’s marketing plan. Whether it be the likelihood that you end up higher in Google results or the high possibility of increased conversion rates, online video has impressive effects on the returns of your online marketing initiatives.

Still, maybe you aren’t totally convinced yet. If that’s the case, though, all you have to do is take a look at the stats. On this page, we’ve taken the time to compile 100 impactful video marketing stats for 2024. We’ve divided these stats up across nine different sections:

Keep reading to find out more about the impact of video marketing and why it can benefit your business. Then subscribe to Revenue Weekly — our email newsletter — to have more digital marketing tips delivered straight to your inbox!

What is the online impact of video?

Let’s start by looking at 16 statistics that explore the impact of video content on the Internet. This isn’t limited to marketing videos, specifically, but applies to videos of all shapes and sizes.

  • One-Third Engagement: A third of online activity is spent watching videos.
  • Daily Viewership: 100 million Internet users watch a video every day.
  • Daily Habit: 55% of people watch online videos daily.
  • YouTube Dominance: YouTube gets over 1 billion hours of video views daily.
  • Global Reach: More than 92% of Internet users globally watch videos weekly.
  • Weekly Consumption: On average, people watch 17 hours of video content weekly.
  • Digital Video Audience: Over 90% of consumers aged 12 to 44 watch digital videos.
  • U.S. Audience: The U.S. has more than 244 million online video viewers.
  • Worldwide Reach: Online videos reach 92.3% of people worldwide.
  • YouTube Preference: 65% of users prefer YouTube for video content.
  • Mobile Dominance: 75% of all online videos are viewed on mobile devices.
  • Mobile Sharing: 92% of mobile users share videos with others.
  • Format Preferences: 75% prefer horizontal video format, while 25% prefer vertical.
  • Buffering Impact: 80% will click away from a video if it buffers or loads slowly.
  • Silent Watchers: 92% watch videos with the sound off.
  • Retention Power: Users retain 95% of info from videos, compared to 10% from text.

Business Perspectives on Video Marketing

Understanding how businesses perceive video marketing is crucial. Here are 11 stats on this:

  • 91% of companies use videos in their marketing.
  • 71% of B2B companies use video marketing.
  • 66% of B2C companies use video marketing.
  • 69% of companies invest in paid video ads.
  • 88% of marketers see video marketing as a key part of their digital strategy.
  • 30% of marketers say video marketing is more crucial than their website.
  • 36% aim to increase brand awareness through video marketing.
  • 48% believe their companies underutilize video marketing.
  • 39% identify lack of time as the main challenge in video marketing.
  • 15% of businesses not using video plan to start in 2024.
  • 68% of businesses not using video marketing plan to start in 2024.

How do online users view video marketing?

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, the incorporation of videos stands out as a pivotal strategy with transformative potential. The impact is evident in statistics revealing that one-third of online activity involves video consumption, underscoring the ubiquitous influence of this dynamic content. With YouTube’s staggering daily viewership of over a billion hours and 55% of people engaging with online videos daily, the reach and resonance of video content are undeniable.

On the business front, videos have become more than a trend; they are a cornerstone of effective marketing. A remarkable 91% of companies have embraced videos in their marketing strategies, with both B2B and B2C sectors recognizing their value at adoption rates of 71% and 66%, respectively. Marketers, acknowledging the strategic significance, identify video marketing as a key component of their digital strategies, with 88% recognizing its importance. Looking ahead, the allure of videos is set to grow, as 68% of businesses not currently utilizing video marketing express their intent to do so in 2024. In essence, videos are not just content; they are a potent force shaping the landscape of contemporary marketing, offering businesses a dynamic tool to connect and thrive in the digital realm.

How much do businesses invest in video marketing?

Video strategies come with a price tag, prompting businesses to consider the financial aspects of this dynamic approach. Understanding the landscape of video marketing budgets reveals intriguing insights. A substantial 60% of businesses allocate a noteworthy 11–50% of their marketing budget to video initiatives, underscoring the significance they attribute to this form of content creation. Moreover, an overwhelming 85% of marketers are poised to either maintain or amplify their video budgets in 2024, signalling a collective confidence in the enduring impact of video marketing. Notably, the industry’s commitment to this medium is further exemplified by the average annual increase of 25% in video marketing budgets, highlighting the continuous financial investment made by businesses to harness the potential of this influential marketing tool.

In essence, the financial commitment to video marketing is a dynamic aspect, with a majority of businesses recognizing its value by allocating a substantial portion of their marketing budget. The industry’s collective intention to either maintain or boost video budgets in the coming year, coupled with a consistent annual increase, paints a picture of confidence in the long-term efficacy of video marketing as a strategic investment for businesses aiming to stay ahead in the competitive marketing landscape.

Which social media platforms are best for video marketing?

In the vast landscape of social media, businesses strategically leverage various platforms for their video marketing endeavours. Unsurprisingly, YouTube takes the lead, with a staggering 90% of marketers choosing it as their go-to video marketing platform. Following closely, Facebook emerges as the second most popular video-sharing platform, capturing the preference of 70% of marketers and solidifying its role as a significant player in the video marketing landscape. Impressively, 84% of businesses consider Facebook one of their primary channels for video marketing, showcasing its widespread adoption across industries.

As the social media landscape evolves, TikTok is poised to make a significant impact, predicted to surpass Facebook as the most favoured platform for video marketing in 2024. Instagram’s IGTV also emerges as a prominent player, with 77% of businesses having posted marketing videos on this visual-centric platform. The professional network LinkedIn is not lagging, with 75% of marketers finding success in their video content endeavours. Furthermore, on LinkedIn, the power of video is evident, as video posts get shared a remarkable 20 times more frequently than other types of posts, emphasizing the unique engagement opportunities that video content brings to this professional network. In essence, businesses navigate a diverse social media landscape, strategically choosing platforms that align with their objectives to maximize the impact of their video marketing efforts.

Optimizing Video Marketing: Strategies for Success

As you embark on your video marketing journey, incorporating best practices can significantly enhance your results. To guide you, consider the following insights garnered from industry statistics:

  1. Consistent Content Output: A strategic approach involves publishing two to four videos per month, a frequency adopted by 31% of businesses. Consistency not only keeps your audience engaged but also reinforces your brand presence.
  2. Enhancing Accessibility: Recognizing the importance of accessibility, 65% of companies add captions to their videos. This practice ensures that your content is inclusive and caters to a diverse audience, including those with hearing impairments.
  3. Grabbing Attention Quickly: Acknowledging short attention spans, effective marketing videos need to captivate viewers within 2.7 seconds. The initial moments are crucial, setting the tone for engagement and ensuring your message doesn’t get lost in the digital noise.
  4. Musical Accompaniment: Music proves to be a valuable asset, with 81% of companies finding that incorporating some form of music enhances the performance of their videos. Thoughtful music selection can elevate the emotional impact and overall appeal.
  5. Utilizing Voiceovers: Adding voiceovers is a strategy embraced by 66% of companies, as it contributes to better video performance. A compelling voice can convey your narrative effectively, fostering a deeper connection with your audience.
  6. Injecting Humor: Humor is recognized as a viral catalyst, as indicated by 24% of marketers who believe that videos incorporating humor are more likely to go viral. Strategic humor can make your content memorable and shareable.
  7. Prioritizing Engagement Metrics: Reflecting on the importance of engagement, 60% of marketers identify it as the most crucial video marketing metric to track. Metrics such as likes, shares, and comments provide valuable insights into audience interaction.
  8. Immediate Attention Capture: Thirty-six percent of marketers emphasize capturing users’ attention in the first few seconds as the most crucial factor when creating video content. A compelling start sets the stage for sustained viewer interest.
  9. Collaborating with External Agencies: For 42% of companies, partnering with external agencies has proven instrumental in enhancing the quality of their videos. Professional collaboration brings fresh perspectives and expertise to elevate your video content.

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